You guys have got to understand it is hard to remember to blog when your schedule is jam-packed with work constantly. I've constantly apologized but i can't really say that I'm sorry enough.
I should really stop making empty promises however, i can't keep lying saying that I will frequent my blog when reality is I probably wont.
However I do think that these random spontaneous posts are a lot more personable than they would be, had I blogged every single waking moment of my life aha.
Anyways, it's exam week. I've been studying my poor little brain, kicking it into overdrive. I've definitely worked it harder than i think i ever had. I'm exhausted and unfortunately i can't take a break, hopefully i do well with my exams though. Has anyone reading this discovered tumblr, I used to use it awhile ago and sort of fell back into it, needless to say i'm on it a lot more than facebook, I reached a maximum post for one day a few days ago, it depressed me cause it made me acknowledge that i need an intervention aha.
I'm gonna make some grilled cheese and continue to study, see you people.