A letter to the former me
Friday, April 12, 2019

Hey, how's it going? You're probably confused - you're probably scared and lonely. You've probably stared in the mirror hating the idea of who you are, what you look like, what you sound like. You've lost hope, motivation, you don't know where you're going and the steady decline just makes you wish it would all go away. You're probably locked away in your bedroom- a giant mess of emotions, you've hidden your struggles from everyone because deep down it's easier to pretend your problems don't exist than to burden someone else with them. Using terrible coping methods and distancing yourself from really important people in your life

You've become so numb and so used to carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, so willing to hear everyone else out that you're left alone to fix them and not work on yourself - giving so much of your heart to others and you've allowed a lot of dishonest people to take advantage of your compassion. Terrible, terrible things have happened to you because of this and many times you've wanted to give up altogether. You feel so lost and you're really at that make or break moment in your life.

But hold on, please. I promise you that your future holds so so much promise. And soon enough the deep-rooted pain slowly stings less and less, and happiness will come to you with unconditional love in the form of a baby boy, and you see your reflection in his gorgeous blue eyes, eyes you get lost in for awhile like a wide open sea and you're just kind of peacefully drifting under the golden sun. The shattered pieces will start to piece back together. And you will meet people who nurture and fulfill your heart, they encourage your passions and don't tel you that your dreams aren't worth dreaming. They are such good people, keep them around.

Right now you don't take risks because you fear the outcome, you fear punishment, you fear guilt and, you fear abandoning everyone because you're so used to caring for them - but eventually you will take one of the biggest risks you'll ever embark on. Take that risk. It's one of the best things you will ever do for yourself. Get on that damn greyhound. Fall in love, real love. That man believes in you. That man has showed you the love you deserve and has been a pivotal role in your happiness and success since day one. Start the family you've always wanted. Because from my perspective, this future you is so incredibly happy and proud of how far he's made it. You've overcome a lot and it just keeps getting better. And PLEASE, for the love of god, cut your damn hair!


The Dude
Well, my name is Michael. Not anything special, actually kind of bland. I like to blog and express my ongoing need to incoherently babble about uneventful moments of my life, it tends to take me to higher places.I prefer veggies to meat, but I'm not vegetarian. I have a vivid imagination that often leads me to places I shouldn't be at times.I like comic books and reading goofy stories and my favourite fruit is grapefruit. I enjoy photography, nudity and making stupid decisions that I will regret later.Reading this blog is essentially reading an extension of myself, so hopefully you enjoy it? I don't know, bye.


rainbowupinthesky. missamandavampire. momoizzyrobot. mixupyour-words. flyingfromneptune. threchichech. KristinaMaria. .. .. ..

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