Cake. Cake is all you need.
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Sooo today is my mom's birthday. This wouldn't be weird... had I not explained that my father is throwing her a surprise birthday party at a bar with Hurtin' Merv performing for her (yeah - I have no idea who he is either). Why is it weird? My parent's are seperated... even weirder, my mom and him are really close friends.... even weirder - my mom introduced my dad to her best friend Lina who he has been dating for a few weeks now. Still not weird enough? The weirdest part is it doesn't even seem all to bad to me!?! I mean this a) is the first tie I've seen my dad truly happy in a long time. b) my mom and dad are finally getting a long as of recently so I ain't gon' stop it haha. So yesterday my dad had me on a wild goose chase getting decorations and her gift and whatnot, and now today I have to head down to the bakery for her birthday cake, and then tonight we have the big birthday bash. I'm nervous. Of all of my mother's friends that we invited, 2 rsvp'd. Like my mom has a lot of fake friends, it's just sad to think of how hurt my mom will be, I mean in a way it will show her who her real friends are, but really, on her birthday of all times? Well I gotta go do what i gotta do so i'll keep you guys in touch with how things went! -Michael

Household thingamajigs
Saturday, May 17, 2014

so im angered, partially because my house has the inability to ever do the things I want it to, and partially because I guess technically - I did nothing to prevent the events that occurred. In short, my drainpipe for the bathtub is now solid stone due to hard water buildup and calcium and lime. Which means I need to get a chemical treatment like CLR or some crap. I'm annoyed, whatever I guess lol. Anyways I'm off to 7-11 for some slushee's. Nothing like liquid sugar to cure a bad mood, eh? (god that made me sound super canadian - my apologies, not actually sorry though.)

Saturdays spent with Lemon Chicken
Saturday, May 10, 2014

So today I've so far spent nearly hitting my post limit on tumblr, began re-arranging my bedroom to accommodate Hudson's crib, and began painting some boxes cause I'm artsy like that lol. I have some lemon chicken that I really would like to eat so I'm thinking I should try doing that soon haha. I've noticed some considerable differences in my weight and especially in my face which isn't as full as it used to be (yaaay). Oh and if you don't already know, over to the left in the sidebar is a cbox, so we can chat and you can leave me feedback and comments and all that fun stuff haha! And for those of you who are new, this is a blog I've had for quite some time, I basically use this blog as my word vommit and basically get off my chest anything and EVERYTHING that's on my mind, whereas I use tumblr for selfies and reblogging posts I like haha. I'm the only one awake right now. I don't think it's healthy... I mean Devon's been sleeping in to 3 - sometimes 4 in the afternoon. I mean to each their own but I'm such a light sleeper, even if I wanted to sleep in the moment I hear birds chirping or the sun cascades through my curtain I'm wide awake - and then it's IMPOSSIBLE to fall to sleep. (lucky me). Beyonce's 'Partition' Is on, which is giving me life right now, I may start dance-cleaning my living room lmfao. Anywho my dog's awake so I gotta let him out to do his business so see you guys later! -Michael

The Dude
Well, my name is Michael. Not anything special, actually kind of bland. I like to blog and express my ongoing need to incoherently babble about uneventful moments of my life, it tends to take me to higher places.I prefer veggies to meat, but I'm not vegetarian. I have a vivid imagination that often leads me to places I shouldn't be at times.I like comic books and reading goofy stories and my favourite fruit is grapefruit. I enjoy photography, nudity and making stupid decisions that I will regret later.Reading this blog is essentially reading an extension of myself, so hopefully you enjoy it? I don't know, bye.


rainbowupinthesky. missamandavampire. momoizzyrobot. mixupyour-words. flyingfromneptune. threchichech. KristinaMaria. .. .. ..

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