So, phones suck. Well, technology period sucks. Okay specifically google plus sucks.
Essentially I had to completely factory restore my phone because it started to back up old photos and created un-deleteable albums on my phone, which ultimately used up all of my phone's memory... good job Google Plus -.-
So here I am reinstalling all of my downloaded apps and sulking to myself over some cheeseburger hot pockets. (I can't give you commentary on the taste, because I'm so congested I could eat a whole horse carcass and not know the difference)
Anyways,. thought I'd share how emotionally distraught I've been from this experience.
(Not really)
You win again technology, you win again.
- Mike

So it's weird, to think about how I only ever really feel like blogging when nothing eventful is going on. Well - nothing eventful today I guess. As most of you already know, I am happily expecting my baby boy to be born at the end of June, so that has me happier than a pig in mud. Besides that it's just been job and house hunting nonstop. Which feels good because it means I'm growing up but also feels gross because it means I'm growing up... if that makes any sense at all.
And why are we in such a hurry to grow up anyways? Shit I remember when I was in elementary school i never wanted to leave. There are parts of me that still wish I was that young... still! I guess the newer generation just has so much at their fingertips now that they've basically had no time to really be "children", granted they may still behave like them *cough Bieber cough* BUT speaking of a new generation of young adults is frightening to me, it ages myself and I'm only 21. The first teenagers of the 2000's are growing up to ipods and laptops and google and wikipedia and the internet. When I was a kid, I was outside with friends, on a playground, playing tag or "grounders". Watching Power Rangers or "Are you afraid of the dark". I read books like Goosebumps and Captain Underpants novels. I didn't act like a spoiled brat in class or mouth off to teacher's because I didn't feel the need to question authority. So many kids these days act so privileged it makes me absolutely nauseous.
Anyways I've been sidetracked- So I guess if you're reading this you actually care about what I have to say, so that's awesome and HEY! Welcome back! If you're new here, hey, I used to blog daily, gave up and then forgot about it.... but here I am again, let's see if I can actually turn this into a hobby again? (I almost type Hobbit instead of Hobby, not that I or any of you would've minded, correct?)
Well I've begun to incoherently babble, so that's my queue to leave.
Talk to you guys later, stay golden ponyboy!
- Mike.