changes, neccesary changes
Monday, February 20, 2017

It's been a long time. Ive needed time to gel over some things and adjust to some things. Most of you are well aware of this now, but if not I feel it completely necessary to let my loyal audience know - I'm Gay. It's not something I've really tried to embrace for a long period of time, rather I've done the opposite. I was supressing who i really deep down inside my core knew I was but refused to accept because everyone else wanted otherwise.... making me want otherwise.

I love Destiney, she will always be super important and special to me and she will always be my first honest love. Ive loved her since we were little kids pretending to get married in the playground in our subdivision to the day our beautiful baby boy was born. But we weren't happy. And if we're being onest, out or not... we weren't going to last very much longer as it stood. But how can I preach pride and self-love to my son if I am not being 100% authentic myself? It came to a clear point that enough was enough and the games and lying and pretending needed to come to a head. I am so fucking proud of how far I have come as a person and look at me. Im happy. I am so nervous and excited and anxious and terrified and thrilled and ecstatic and overwhelmed and overjoyed and perplexed and it's all hitting me at the same time like a big gay brick wall, but I'm loving every minute of it.

I'm going to be 24 in less than two weeks. Which means I I started this blog approximately 9 years ago i believe. I've lost my way here and there, lost touch of myself and what I needed to talk about but 'm finding myself again and I'm learning that its good to get these musings out into the open, it's taking me to higher places. I'm currently on the apartment hunt. Ideally I'd like to live downtown London as that's where i will be working in the near future, also I'll be close enough to where Destiney lives that I'll be able to pop in and see my little guy whenever I feel like even not on my days off. I feel like this passed month I've become more of and adult than my entire short-lived adult life. And I'm so proud to admit that. i filed my taxes right as I got them, slowly but surely rebuilding my credit and now moving out, saving for a car and paying off my student loans. PLUS my fitness goals have been gradually increasing and I'm starting to see myself losing the weight i want to lose. Im feeling good, I'm looking good. All around February is looking majestic Af!



The Dude
Well, my name is Michael. Not anything special, actually kind of bland. I like to blog and express my ongoing need to incoherently babble about uneventful moments of my life, it tends to take me to higher places.I prefer veggies to meat, but I'm not vegetarian. I have a vivid imagination that often leads me to places I shouldn't be at times.I like comic books and reading goofy stories and my favourite fruit is grapefruit. I enjoy photography, nudity and making stupid decisions that I will regret later.Reading this blog is essentially reading an extension of myself, so hopefully you enjoy it? I don't know, bye.


rainbowupinthesky. missamandavampire. momoizzyrobot. mixupyour-words. flyingfromneptune. threchichech. KristinaMaria. .. .. ..

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