Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend. Somewhere alone in the bitterness and I would've stayed up. With you all night, had I known, how to save a life.
The Fray - How to save a life
First off, yeah the quote... I know it's old. But it's there because it's good. And yeah, that photo you are witnessing... I'm naked, deal with it. I actually tend to get this sense of gratitude, self-worth and empowerment when i am naked. I suddenly feel powerful and fearless. I've obviously censored it out for those of you who are afraid of a penis... but the picture exists uncensored somewhere :p
Anyways, I'm sorry I haven't blogged in quite a long-ass time, school has been kicking my ass royally. Not to mention, I discovered a large lump under my right armpit that hurts very badly. My dad took me to get it checked out and the doctor told me that I have an infection, which developed into a blood-clot.... yikes!
I got my anti-biotics now and I actually feel more sick than I did before taking them, but I guess it means they are doing their job since a common side effect is headaches and nausea, since I've been prescribed Apo-Cephalex and I have to take 4 daily, did I mention these suckers are huge horse-like pills. Although the taste isn't all chalky and powdery, so it's a lot easier to swallow.
It's probably recommended that I go to bed now, since it's 12:22 in the morning.... so I think i will do that, sorry, no video today :(
Labels: all, it, michaelchristopher, underneath